Tomorrow is the day – GE13
Tomorrow is the day – GE13
I can choose to be quiet but there are things that I fear if I don’t say
it, I will live in regret for the rest of my life.
I N T E G R I T Y : what is it? (reprise)
*Thinking beyond conventional or consensus reality…*
1. At the age of eleven I became disenchanted with emblems of External
Authority when my name was inc...
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
and democracy in Malaysia after the DAP suffered its worst electoral defeat
in ...
*A year has passed in painful silence,*
*The silenced voice still whispers,*
*In the hearts of those who share,*
* The empowering mess...
*A year has passed in painful silence,*
*The silenced voice still whispers,*
*In the hearts of those who share,*
* The empowering mess...
Wishing Well
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the
1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to
make a type...
Фокус 2015 смотреть онлайн фильм 2015
Фокус Яндекс видео фильм онлайн 2015 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Фокус смотреть фильм онлайн 2015
русский онлайн яндекс Фокус смотреть фильм русский 2015 Фокус смотреть
онлайн б...
Garena Free Fire Hack Para Android Last Mod
Garena Free Fire Hack Para Android Last Mod
[image: Garena Free Fire Hack Para Android Last Mod]
without paying a dime. free fire garena became a requiremen...
Shiny moment to slimy movement
Brave New World (The Star)
19 December 2018
THIS is my final piece for 2018. So I want to wish all of you an advance
Merry Chr...
Korean Drama bingeing philosophy
Alert – Divorcees, cheating spouses, you have been warned not to read ya?
Don’t later hate me, ok? I absentmindedly scratched my own face cos I was
How to Choose Your Helpdesk Software
How you choose your helpdesk software will have an important impact on your
customer satisfaction and profits. Because it is where you have all the
Random Notes from a Broken Girl Online PDF eBook
Uploaded By: S J ForeDOWNLOAD Random Notes from a Broken Girl PDF Online.
How to Retrieve Data from Broken Samsung Galaxy Note After you finished the
3 ste...
Waktu memisahkan kita
Waktu juga menemukan kita
Jika kau marah, kau mahu waktu mu untuk bertenang
Jika kau bersedih kau mahu waktu mu untuk menangis
Obat Ambeien Setelah Melahirkan
Mengapa penyakit ambeien atau wasir sangat sering dialami oleh ibu setelah
melahirkan? berbahayakan penyakit wasir ambeien setelah melahirkan? apa
谢谢你们给了我一个难忘的farewell party
但同时,我很感恩,很觉得很庆幸 上天让我认识了你们
甚至为我们搞了一个我人生中最grand 的 party
Words could n...
Harga Mesin Cuci Terbaru
Daftar Harga Mesin Cuci Samsung – Samsung yaitu perusahaan elektronik
paling besar sekarang ini, beragam product sudah di produksi untuk penuhi
beragam kep...
Sharpen your brainpower at the 12th MFotM
*KAMPAR: *We all have known that playing with a Rubik’s cube; a
three-dimensional geometry puzzle has mental perquisites. The number of
algorithms and tech...
What evere happens to Malaysians’ agriculture?
The Sarawak state election will not touch on how the majority of
Sarawakians ake a living-so enjoy this rare piece that try to shed some
important light on...
Went Bananas in the Year of the Monkey
#nowplaying Ed Sheeran - Tenerife Sea
Today marks the last day of Chinese New Year, and how did it go? I'm like
really old now lmao, so one thing about CNY...
Survivor (2015)
Download Full Survivor in High Quality VideoNow you can enjoy Survivor in
High Quality Video with duration 96 Min and was released on 2015-05-29 with
1MDB – what the Bank Negara could do
In a stunning development yesterday, Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) broke
tradition to deliver a very public statement of its obvious disagreement
and disen...
This Concert Is Not Low Light Photography
Stage concert shooting has always been one of my favourites. Last year I
shot Lee Hom's concert in KL as a media photographer (for magazine's
editorial) a...
Another dream.. about you.
I had a dream just the other day about Gino. And normally, it's either
seeing him from a distance or just talking to him.
But last night's dream was differ...
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!
This blog is coming back to life soon. Aku dah bosan dengan facebook! lepas
ni aku layan perasaan dgn blog aku pulak. Tahniah bro Nazali ...
Supporting Bulgari's Save The Children Initiative
People, my blog is active again after being format for several years! This
piece by Calvin Chong of The Malaysian Tatler on my recent collaboration
with B...
Call for volunteers to observe Kajang poll
*KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (MAFREL) has started
recruiting volunteers to help it observe the Kajang by-election. *
*MAFREL chairm...
My Blog Has Screwed after 5 years of Blogging!
Dear Readers,
I'm really sorry that recently my Blog has screwed up due to accidentally
deleted all my photos in my blog after 5 years of blogging. Well, ...
The latest MALAYSIAN SHORTS is back!
About a dozen new short films directed by Malaysians — for the world!
Curated by Diffan Norman & Amir Muhammad.
full marathon again, PBIM 2013
Last year was the first time I ran full marathon and it was during the
Penang Bridge International Marathon 2012, with a distance of 42.195km. It
was a pai...
Review of Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT)
*Low Cost Carrier Terminal,* in many ways did contributed to the countries'
economies. That is definitely a plus point! However, talking about the *Low
Tomorrow is the day – GE13
Tomorrow is the day – GE13
I can choose to be quiet but there are things that I fear if I don’t say
it, I will live in regret for the rest of my life.
I wrote this in June 2010 but never published it in my blog. I just read
it again and realised how some things haven't changed, and yet some have.
It's al...
Never Enough
When what appears to be a distant dream becomes a reality, do you stop
there and say that this is enough?
When what you think you want is granted to y...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
Its been a while
Lifes good. Lifes tiring. Medicine. lol. ull see me here more often from
now on. when all u see is d hospital, acute coronary syndromes and bakuteh,
ull ...
“We stand together as sky falls”
Skyfall – the latest 007 Bond – is quite a philosophical movie that focuses
on the theme of ‘death’. Time has come that even Bond ponders if his work,
Adviser, 31 July 2012 While the Registrar of Societies may now feign
innocence regard...
So let it be? Or not?
I had a rough weekend, but then again, that doesn't sound very new does it?
Life has its ups and downs.
I just wish I have already figured out what's the ke...
A Problem For ALL Malaysians!
When the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) begins operations in the
Gebeng industrial estate near Kuantan, it will be the world’s largest rare
earth re...
blog page baru sedang dibina untuk menjual baju2 terpakai, yang masih elok.
untuk mereka yang bersaiz seperti sayalah hehehe.
hasil jualan akan didermak...
A better world to live in
Image Copyright: WFP/Rose Ogola
You know it's all worth it when
When you see with your own eyes the amount of people you've reached out to
The many live...
November 22, 1963 - A Date To Be Remembered
Not a day has passed since I was 15, that I have not light a candle to
honor President Kennedy. Though I was born in the 1980s, but I share the
same memo...
Post 23: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
I think I have been away from my blog for a really long time because deng!
New layout/features! Still figuring how things work but anyway.
Two weeks ago, m...
Travelogue 1.3: Manila, Philippines. Day 2.
Though satisfied with what we saw in Manila on our very first day, I know,
I was hungry for more. It was a surprise to me that Manila was very much
like Ku...
On The Beat: A journo’s jottings
In the face of brickbats from politicians and pundits, through holidays and
hectic days, a newspaperman wrote his piece every week for 14 years,
staying s...
interesting reads
I came across a book in the school library the other day and the title
truly shocked me. i was wondering if people knew what it meant.
the title? Oedipus.
Finally after lapse for dont know how long, am back again for
blogging.....The password had been finally able to reset as previously i
had forgotten my pas...
Hello world!
Welcome to After you read this, you should delete and write
your own post, with a new title above. Or hit Add New on the left (of the
admin ...
Inactive? No?
Woah, its been almost a month I din’t get my blog updated. That’s no good.
Hah. I need to do something and I’ve figured out this, all these while more
Where are we heading?
When you’re a baby you don’t know about the real world and just enjoy your
life letting your parents to handle everything for you. When you enter
primary s...
Date : 12th Jun 2011 (Sunday)
Time : 7.30 am
Venue : Komtar
Closing Date : 25th May 2011
Entry Form : http://
Standing Together In Defense of the Arts
Sharon Chin, 11 March 2011
I’m often asked this question: ‘what do you d...
Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Pasukan Bantuan Sukarela 20
- mengucapkan -
Selamat Tahun Baru Cina 2011 buat semua kaum cina, semoga perayaan kali ini
membawa ban...
Once you realize,
Once you realize that the world is yours for the taking, that you need to
grow some balls and make something of yourself, create opportunities, grab
life b...
exam is around the corner
still havent even finished 1 subject!!~!
failing sooon~!
back home in 15 more days!
looking forward~!
October 22nd.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a ...
Islam in Malaysia: Perceptions & Facts
Author: Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Translator: U-En Ng (from the book *Mengemudi Bahtera Perubahan Mind*a)
ISBN: 9789834484576
Pages: 343
Printer: Vinlin
My Portfolio..
Yoo...I'm back again..Assignments and presentations finished..Final is
coming soon...oh my god...Anyway, wanna share some designs...Some parts of
my assign...
Utusan dah start dah….
UMNO telah mula siar gambar saya. Lazimnya mereka takkan memberi apa-apa
laporan tentang diri saya, apatah lagi nak masuk gambar. Bila mereka
berbuat dem...
Hello everyone! hahaha. yes i know you miss Sperm Boy so much that you jerk
off just to see him now and then. now now girls, hold on to your h...
The Synopsis
*Ombak Naik, Tuah Menurun*
*Choreographer: Aida Redza*
Music Composer: Tan Sooi Beng
Supported by: Ho Sheau Fung as Video Designer...
Message from Lim Guan Eng
Sdr Dr Chen Man Hin is considered the grand old man of DAP. As one of its
founder members he is also the political trailblazer in...