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Monday, 10 August 2009

breaking news! H1N1 in UTAR... finally

news hot hot from the oven!

my housemate just, JUST told me that few students from my campus, KAMPAR, have been quarantined.

the shocking part is...

JENG jeng JENG!!!

1 UTAR student is DEAD. MATI. SII.

im not sure it's true or not la.. u check n see la ya..

i tried to login to UTAR email bt the system is down. hmmm.. y at this time? smtg is wrong.

anyway i found this blog. bachala..

ppl, wear mask. drink more water. alwaz wash ur hand.

till then, goodnite.

i oso talak ok yet.


sudah jatuh ditimpa bumbung

she just called me

=p im so happy. i got the medicine.