My Birthday

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Tuesday, 1 September 2009

happy day

i realised one doesnt has to has mountain of money to be happy. one doesnt has to has sea of friens to be happy. and one doesnt has to has

happiness comes in many ways. it may differ from a person to another person. i always hold on to my belief that a small little action can make a big difference.

i'm happy if my friends are happy. im happy if i make ppl happy. im happy if i do good deeds. im happy i can see or just hear the voice of the girl i love.

I’m in a very happy bubbly cheerful positive mood today. Many good things happened today. Not forget to mention some funny incidents too. To be happy, we must set our mind to be happy. if you tink u r going to have a bad day, trust me, shits are waiting for u.

So do u wana noe y im happy today? Want? Don’t want? U sure u don’t want! Arrghh! Who cares if u want or don’t want. Now I want to tell. Blekk!

1) I woke up early at 6am today. Feel so good because it has been a very long time since I wake up so early in the morning.

2) I had a nice sleep. Usually if I don’t have class, I’ll sleep whole day. Hehe. But this time I didn’t and no headache. just nice la the timing. Cun-cun. Another good thing.

3) I cook! This is the first time in this semester and in my new house, I cook. I brought back rice and chicken from Penang last night. I heat it up. Then I fried an egg and I made half-mash potato with garlic n onion n oyster sauce. Yummy. Trust me. its really nice.

*more to come

Explosive Reflection

akkaka! i sent a pic to The Star newspaper yesterday n it appeared today in the Thumbnails section.

hehehe. so happy although i did'nt get RM50.

this is the 36th times the pics i sent got published in The Star.

this is the link:

u can vote for your favorite photo there.

and this is the picture with the title and caption.

Explosive Reflection
by Oh Chin Eng
Looks stunning, but on reflection, I think my car may be parked at that very spot.

looking for beard

arrghhh! my one and only beard has came off. it's the longest beard i've ever kept. it has been there for a very long time.


please come back. i want you. why u went away without telling me?? i just noticed it when i was rubbing my chin, trying to play with u.

*sob *sob *sob

i've been taking care of you from intruders. many people wana take you away from me. they are jealous. their hands alwaz GATAI wana pluck u away.

im so sad. i must have hurt u when i washed my face just now. i shouldn't rub my face too hard.

awwww.. i miss u.. i want my bulu lah..


oh... i've lost my masculinity ='(