u noe..
when you shit, of course you must lock the toilet's door but not the master bedroom's door.
my sister was having his lunch.
suddenly she had stomachache.
so she went to shit before she finish her meal.
she used the master bedroom's toilet and she locked the room.
suddenly my mum's phone rang n the phone is in the room.
mum mum was banging the door.
forced my sister to open up the door.
but my sister was shitting half way.
hahaha. this is hilarious.
i don't know how my sister going to open the door while shitting.
at the end my mum got her handphone.
i think my sister opened teh room's door quickly and rushed back to the jamban before my mum went into the room to get her handphone.
hahaha. so people.
don't lock the master bedroom because you migth have to pause your shiting and that is not satisfactory moment of shitting,
Tomorrow is the day – GE13
Tomorrow is the day – GE13
I can choose to be quiet but there are things that I fear if I don’t say
it, I will live in regret for the rest of my life.
11 years ago