My Birthday

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Monday, 25 June 2012


Photo was captured at Chai Diam Ma cafe in King Street, Penang.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

kids nowadays..

I feel kids nowadays are so fortunate. They get what they want and they have more than what they need. It makes them don’t appreciate the little things and hard-earned money. Last time, we were given about RM1 to school. I’ll make sure I keep some in my tabung everyday. Once a while, I’ll count my syiling and eager waiting for it to grow even more. I picked up even 1cents. If not my banks where got money??

Monday, 11 June 2012

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up

lama dan baru

Yang lama kalau tak buang, mana ada tempat untuk yang baru. Ada kalanya, yang lama tidak bermaksud yg terbaik. Jangan disimpan segala yang sudah berlalu, barulah ada ruang kepada perkara yang akan mendatang. Berilah peluang kepada yang baru. Lihat ke depan, barulah hidup lebih segar dan bermakna.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


This is what I promised you, I'll be there at times when you need me most, even if you are far away.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

what a friend..

Well, you go to your so-called friends when you need their help. But at normal times, do you even say hie to them? NO! So why being so hypocrite? If you consider someone as your friend, show some concern on their lives, not when you need them in your life. 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Don't Give Up!

Inspired to share this. You see, plants big or small can still grow even by the roadside, rooftop, drain and in the extreme places. What they need is just some water and sunrise. Same goes to human. We should not give up when we face challenges, even if the world is not by your side. Keep going and work harder, sooner or later, you'll be what you wanted to be. It's all in your mind and heart.