My Birthday

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Friday 30 October 2009

again and AGAIN!

Grrrhh! Geram ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I have to sweep the floor AGAIN! tangan-tangan orang yang tinggal kat level 3 dah CACAT ka??!! Arrghhh!! I came back from uni at around 7pm. N so OMG! My room is so damn dirty. Rubbish here n there. Bulu here and there. Not my bulu ok?!! How I noe?? I noe la!

Yesterday oni I swept the floor. Today so dirty again! Red ants are everywhere at the common area. Kanasai la! Now my room is sticky again. grrrhhh. Y must I always do the sweeping n mopping?!!

This afternoon I had a shitty day. I woke up at 2pm thinking that my class at 2pm. So I rushed la. I went out, the common area to get my bottle. Cilaka! The washing powder/serbuk pencuci all over the floor. WTF man!

I was so pissed off n I burst out la. I MELETUP! BOOM!. Yea boom! Dah la lambat, kena sapu pulak. Again I swept the floor. if once nevermind la. but im the one who always sweep the floor. N I said ‘kheong k*n’. I was so hot! Couldn’t hold it any longer.

Then my jamban! TOILET BOWL la! That day I just gosok only rite. Today, shits are everyday! Wat the FCUK man! That day I gosok sampai berkilat-kilat shining shining now u can see tompok-tompok cokelat! Arrrghh!

people out there, LISTEN here. whenver you want to SS (shit & shoot), aim properly. do it with gentleman, be a man lah!

I bukan nk say bad things about my housemates or roommates but tinggal sebumbung kalau help each other la. Jangan jaga kain sendiri je. Kalau u yang buat kotor or rosak, fix it la.

TULAN nia.

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