My Birthday

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Thursday 16 September 2010

preserved mangosteen

There is something funny i would like to share.

Suddenly, out of no where, i thought of it.

3 years ago, someone important, ok you can call it as special, gave me a mangosteen aka manggis.

I tak sampai hati eat it because it's from her.

I still keep it and i'm keeping it until today.

It has now become an artifact.

It's now a piece of history that i can preserved.

It is still in good shape though.


Yea maybe i'm weird.

There are few times where good friends gaive me something consumable. Again i tak sampai hati, i want to keep it as a gift. At the end, the food spoiled. When it stinks, i have to throw it away.

It's not that don't appreciate what people give me. The fact is, for me, their gifts are so valuable that i appreciate it so much and i don't have the heart to eat it.

You see, i enjoy food to the max. I hunt for food. I live for food. I have big appetite. I am indeed a big eater. But the thing is the food is no more there after you consume it. 

The value of the gift is not on the gift itself but who is the person who give it to you.

I'm a guy who's sensitive, sentimental, collective and perhaps romantic.

I love history and old stuffs.

I am not that boring la huh?? =p

1 comment:

  1. lol dude! exactly what i did when my crush (not my gf) gave me that keropok TamTam and a small card to thank me for the birthday celebration. =P
    i kept it until one day the gf told me to eat it before it went past its due. XP

    ala, kita ni jiwa sentimental jugak LOL
