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Thursday 3 November 2011

democracy buried alive

Demokrasi sudah mati,
terkubur dalam-dalam
di dalam liang hahad.

Aku hak aku
Tapi hari ini
Kebebasan ku dirampas
Aku kalah menjadi diri sendiri
Aku diikat tali
Dipaksa mengikut apa kamu suka

Minoriti dipersenda
Yang kecil bilangannya dibuli
Tak pernah kau hormat 
Si kaum minoriti
Orang Asal dipijak
Kini LGBTIQ dilanyak

Kau manusia
Aku manusia
Siapa kau
Kau siapa
Untuk menghakimi aku

Sebaik-baik aku
Sejahat-jahat aku
Biar Tuhan yang tentukan
Bukan kau!

Aku berhak
Memilih cara hidup sendiri
Dan orientasi seks serta jantina sendiri.

It’s a sad thing that Seksualiti Merdeka Festival has just been banned by the police force.

What is wrong with the festival? If you don’t like, you don’t go. If you don’t agree with them, you don’t ban them and if you hate them, you can choose not to be friend with them.

It’s as simple as that.

Education has been politicized. Religion has been politicized. Now, sex and gender are being politicized.

This is my country, Malaysia.

Democracy has buried alive.

Democracy belongs to all.

I learnt in my religion, Pendidikan Moral, Pengajian Am, Pengajian Malaysia, 1 Malaysia and from the society to accept everyone for who they are. I learnt to respect and understand them.

There must be equal rights and human dignity not just for ourselves, but also for those who are different ie. straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transgender, asexual, unsure or simply fabulous.

Any festival that has to do with them is now illegal. I wonder will these people be arrested. Will these words (straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transgender, asexual) be censored from the press, tv and radio.

Will I be arrested for having them as my friends? Will I be arrested if I ever use those words.

I still believe this is a democratic country.

I hope I was wrong when I think that democracy has flushed away like the shit i just produced.

54 years of independence? Merdekakah kita?

I have no idea..

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