Exhausted!! What other words to describe my physical condition right now?? FInally i accomplised my Thaipusam task. Hehe. 3 needles through my forehead. Some bleeding. okla.. Satisfied. So damn tired and sleepy right now. Im still wearing the yellow attire, haven't bathe and hundry.
I'll blog about the whole journey after this la ye. nanti aku show pic yg sexy. hehehe.
If you are a real Penangite, then you'll definitely know this uncle. He's the oldest cobbler at 'chit tiau lor' or in Bahasa Malaysia, Jalan Tujuh or in English it means The Seventh Road. Anyway he passed away already last year. Now i think his son is taking over this old occupation that were brought from China.
The day is getting nearer. Tomorrow will be the last day of my vege fasting before Thaipusam on Saturday. can’t wait to go back to Penang tomorrow at 2.35pm. This year Thaipusam is the most challenging for me. a lot of things that are planned have to be cancelled due to certain reasons.
I haven’t settled my Thaipusam stuffs yet. I just called Sasi to get me the needles for forehead. It’s a 3-joint needles with Murugan sacred spear. No one in Kampar sell those things. I also just confirmed wif my old friends, Murukesh that I’m foolowing him and his family on the Thaipusam day. Before this I supposed to follow 2 other frens but unfortunately something happened.
I’ll be piercing my forehead and taking palkodam on my head. No more cheek piercing this year. If I do that I have to do it for 3years. Im not sure next year I can do it anot, so it’s better not to do it la. furthermore, I need to place the needle at an altar to pay respect to it. Cannot just simply place it. I did it 3 years already.
So on the Thaipusam day itself, I need to follow Indian friends. i must do some prayer before the piercing. Oni Indian people know how to do it, must prepare the praying materials etc. I need my friends help to cover the palkodam, to wear me the dhoti etc.
First thing to do when I reached Penang tomorrow is to buy turmeric. Then get the needles and palkodam. Then find my Thaipusam chain. Then use turmeric to wash it and also to wash my clothes and to bathe. Then only I’ll go see the chariot of Murugan to get His blessing. It’s a must to see the chariot of Murugan and pray for those who’s carrying palkodam and taking kavadi. i feel easy and calm after the prayer. I won’t be sleeping on my bed tomorrow. I’ll just sleep on the floor, wear my yellow Thaipusam suit.
So what do I do as a preparation for Thaipusam? Haha. the answer is very simple. I must be CLEAN. Definitely it’s not easy. I must take care of what I eat, my words, my actions, my thoughts and my body. Some people will just stay at home so that they won’t get distracted. But here in Kampar I have to attend classes. I feel stress, angry, sad etc. All those feelings make me say bad words, think badly. It’s not good actually. Those carrying Kavadi or Palkodam must not think about revenge, love, sex etc. body also must be clean. I just cut my finger…nails.
Another thing is it’s hard to find vege food here. There’s one Chinese aunty selling vege food but her style of vegetarian is it’s ok to eat egg. And yesterday I accidentally taken egg for my lunch. Aih.. It’s easier to get vege food in Penang compared to Kampar.
I don’t take egg and even milk for my vege fasting. Back in Penang, I won’t even wear shoe for the last few days. I’ll just stay at home, less talk, pray more and do my homeworks. I supposed to use new towel and toothbrush but I didn’t. nevermind la. hehe.
Im very tired today. Class started at 11.30am until 6.30pm. I haven’t finish packing yet. Im doing it now actually. Usually I only pack few hours before I depart but this time I duno why I pack so early. Ahah. Oh ya I won a second prize in a photography competition in my uni. I got the prize today. Hehe. Okla I feel much much better today. Im so happy. on the other hand, someone from English Language couse interviewed me today for her assignment. Proud a bit la someone interview me. The interview session took more than 1 hour 30 mins and I was late to class. =p
So okla I need to go. class at 8am tomorrow. I’ll bring all my stuffs to uni and then straight to bus stop. Nice coursemate, Corene is fetching me to uni. whee! I’ll blog about my experience of Thaipusam later la. gnite. Tata.
This uncle is a kuih seller. It’s so rare to see an Indian pushing a round metal casing which contains Laksa and kuih on a cart around George Town these days. I remember when I was small, there are a lot of old Indians doing this business. Me n my cousins will rush out to buy Popiah, Kuih Kaya and Laksa from them. They sell Laksa and kuihs mainly. Since they have to push the cart, it’s impossible to use gas sylinder, so they use charcoal to heat the Laksa’s soup. I miss hearing ‘kuih’ ‘kuih’ from them. That’s the word they use to call the customers. Business usually after lunch until late evening.
So u guys know right today is the public speaking competition final round? Yea I got third. My senior, Woon Pei-Jing got first. Senior got first, junior got third. Okla tu. hehe. She’s really good la. I was sad not because I lose but because I didn’t prepared well. Im so happy for her. it’s a good moment for Journalism course students too because 2 of its students are in TOP 3. =p She received RM600 n I RM100.
"You are the unique one. OCE the only man in this world. OCE = Only Chin Eng."
~ Nixon Lai Chia Huey
~ 27/1/2010 12.09am
*i got this wish for my public speaking competition. hahaahah. this is so farnee la but so sweet. tq Brotha Lai. Haha TQ also for the wishes from my sister, ai loon, pei suang, amirah, saravani, nixon, ree nee, wei han, Adeline, yogasri, jing wen, subba, rajina, Mr. Afi, Melissa wong, tatsyaini, sin mei, sooi pheng, HER and etc.
Just in few hours time, I’ll be competing with 4 more finalists in Bahasa Melayu Category for my university’s public speaking competition final round. The competition starts at 10.30am. I don’t know when is my turn. I hope im not the first one.
Sadly tomorrow none of my coursemates are able to come and support me like how they did during the preliminary round last December. I’ll be there alone.. without anyone by my side. This is because all of us have class from 10am-12pm. Im not gona ask them to skip class just to come and watch me. its unfair for them. studies are more important. After all this is just a competition. My family also not coming because this is an internal event and it's just too far my my family to travel here.
My coursemates actually wana come. They are very supportive. But well what to do. I know some of them are really sad. I feel more sad ok. I don’t blame anyone la. it’s just not my luck.
You know I even went to the lecturer to asked him bring all my coursemates to my competition tomorrow. Haha. I was just joking with him la. I asked him to release them early if possible. I told him I can’t make it for class, so my friend will sign for me la. hehehe. He said its ok, he can sign for me. Then we laugehd out loud. Hahah.
Im so scared and nervous right now until shivering and stomach pain. My heart is throbbing and my blood is pumping hard. I just feel like giving up la. im not done with the text yet. I duno why im so last minute this time? No UMPHH la. not excited oso. Why? Is it because I know that my friends are not coming? Is it because the gap between the preliminary and the final is too big. Is it bcoz the title is not interesting? Is it because of ‘her’? or is it because im LAZY?!! Im not gona blame anyone if i don't get anything tmr.
Anyway thanks for all the wishes n prayers from my friends. You know who u are. Tq from the bottom of my heart. I'll do my BEST!! I dun wana dissappoint those who support me.
I wonder whether she remembers about this competition or not. Again she’s not here when im competing..
All the best 2eveyone especially my Senior, Pei-Jing who’s also one of the finalists in the competition. Let’s do our best to get the first prize of RM600. =p
ok i wana announce that Mr. Oh Chin Eng is gona blog lesssssssssssssssss this week. He's having a very hectic week. A lot of important and urgent matters to be solved then blogging.
1. Prepare speech for my university's public speaking final competition this Wednesday 27/1/2010.
2. Read journals and prepare notes for lectures.
3. Prepare for Thaipusam festival this Saturday 30/1/2010.
Ok I went to Chinese temple and Indian kuil in Old Town Kampar after a free dinner with Amirah and her bf. Her bf came all the way from KL with motorbike. Where to find such nice bf la. Im gona kick Amirah's ass if she dun appreciate him.
On the way, I saw a community of buffaloes walking home after a late night bathe by the roadside. I stopped and looked at them. they stopped too. Satring competition ma. I snapped picture then I ran off, their trunks are scary.
Anyway, These 2 temples were already closed coz it was already 9.30pm when I reached there. So fine. I reached the Chinese temple first. I kneel down in front of the temple’s big door n I prayed. I asked for this and that. I prayed for my family, grandparents, the Haiti earthquake victims, my coursemates and her.
Then I went to the Indian kuil. I made a wrong turn and I ended up at someone’s funeral. Zzz.. the coffin is just in front of me. I quickly made a U-turn n went out from that lane. Fuh..
When I reached the Indian kuil, no one was there. the whole kuil is dark except lights from the house behind the kuil which belongs to the priest of the temple. So he went out and asked why. I said I want to pray. So I prayed to the main deity of the kuil. He came and he asked me to sit and chat with him.
So I stop my prayer n I sat n talked to him. Ok we chit chat, he asked me this and that. I went to that kuil before and I took his pictures before. After a while, I saw 2 PONDAN priest aka sami came out from his house.
Yes they are PONDAN aka SOFTMAN!
So these 3 priests talked in Tamil la. as if la I don’t understand. I thought the 2 pondan priests are from India but no, they can speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia. So the first priest told the 2 pondan priests what I told him just now-im from Pg, studying in UTAR, photograohy is my hobby, I took kavadi before and im going for Thaipusam again this year etc etc.
I sat there I I felt so weird. So I continued to circled the kuil to pray to Ganesha and Murugan. Finally I talked to Lord Murugan about my intention to participate in Thaipusam this year.
Last year, I promised that if the blood test is ok, I’ll take vegetarian diet for Thaipusam. So, im fulfilling my words now. I’ll also take milk pot on my head aka palkodam and also pierce my forehead. I somehow received a ‘calling’ to do that. I won’t be piercing my cheek this year like how I did 3times before. I’ll tell you why next time la.
So what do I wish for this year
1.my parents always safe and loving.
2.Haiti earthquake victims will be strong.
3.my friend who’s struggling to survive from cancer.
4.everything about her.
5.me for a better 2010.
The eery geli cilaka idiot unimaginable story begins here. I wanted to make a move but the first priest asked me to sit down and chat with him. Out of respect, I did la. he kept repeating that he’s also alone staying there. then he called one of the pondan sami. He came with a hp.
This first priest said ‘dia (sami pondan) pun ada banyak gambar. Banyak oo. India ada. Cina ada. Melayu ada’ which means ‘he (the pondan priest) also has a lot of pictures. Indians, Chinese n Malays’.
I was like what?!! Why you tell me that? I tell u his face was so horny. I sensed something is wrong. My instinct tells me that they wana show me something ‘dirty’. OMG I should have record or take picture of his miang, gatai, yamchin, khihiao, despicable, keji and horny face.
So while the pondan sami tried to look for the pictures, I quickly grab my phone, and click on my ringtone. My phone ‘rang’ and I prentend talkiing to someone. Before they managed to show me anything, I told them I have to go. I had a glimse on the handphone, it’s like a movie.
I quickly cabut from that place while they happily looking at the ‘contents’ in the handphone.
Can u imagine that??! Ayooo! Amma!! Apa mia sami. Sami u noe. Cilaka oo. Eew!
I ran home n Poovan was in my room trying tie from Sing Yong for the seminar that we are going to attend later. Haha. we took crazy pictures in my room.
*ok i hope that priests were not intending to show me 'dirty' pictures or videos.
This non-camera shy old lady is actually waiting for the Ponggal prayer at a kuil here. She's so cute, so small sized and she eats sirih. Her whole mouth is fulled with that orange reddish thingy.
7.30pm. my hp alarm just rang. Im awake. But I woke up 10minutes before that.
I went to ‘sleep’ at 6pm. eventually I’ve been just lying on my bed, realising what’s going on at my surrounding while my mind is still actively thinking and recalling.
What a sleep because I didn’t sleep at all!
How to sleep well when your heart is not calm like the rough sea?
Im sleepy and my eyes are tired and it feels so heavy, as if it’s gona drop out from the skull.
I need to talk to someone. I need to pray. Yea im gona do that later. I’ll go to see Kuan Yin then Murugan. I need to talk to them…so badly.
Thank God this semester I'm taking 5 subjects only instead of 6 subjects in the previous semester.
And I don't have class again in this semester. wheee! can go back to hometown if i want after class on Friday and come back here again on Monday evening. =p
So my class is from Tuesday to Friday only lo. Everyday the class starts from as early as 8am until 6.30pm. I have up to 4classes on one day. The most free day is Wednesday and Friday where i only have 2 classes on that day.
Week 1 of this semester is good. Really good. I like all the lecturers. Some of them taught me before so no problem la. Some subjects are too boring especially the one that has to do with business and IT. zzz.. Overall, i like the subjects im taking la. Some of the teaching i already know before this when i was working for USM under Janet Pillai. I think i can cope and do better than last semesters. I need to pull up my CGPA la.
These are the subjects that im taking:
1. UAPO1023 Introduction to International Relations 2. UAPO 1033 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3. UAMG 2004 Communication Research Methods 4. UAMG 2014 Communication Theories 5. UAMJ 2024 Business and Electronic Commerce
Old but still strong. This fruit seller is already 84-year-old but he still can operate a small fruit stall by the roadride with the help of his daughter and a maid. He's the one who cut the fruits and the price is so cheap.
first week of new semester is still relaxing. Not that stress yet la...
Tiffany is still in Kampar. haha. wat the tooot! she woke up late. and im going out for lunch with Poovan now. i have quite a number of things to sort out this weekend.
1. post pictures of Pei Suang's birthday and Li Theng's farewell.
2. finish up my public speaking final competition speech.
3. plan my Thaipusam this year.
4. fotostate and prepare notes for lecture next week.
I just had a dream again. a real one. It was so real that I thought it happened in reality.
I had supper with Vivien n Tiffany until 6am. Tiff said if im still awake by 7am, please send her to the bus stop cz she’s going back to Ipoh. I said ok n I decided to send her la. The distance from our hostel to the bus stop is really far. Since I have a bike here, since Tiff is one my best buddies here, so okla help each other ma.
But then I fell asleep after that and I just woke up. Tiff didn’t even call me. I think she dun wana trouble me la. but the thing is, it’s so funny cz in my dream, I told Viv that I feel so bad for not fetching Tiff and I apologised to Tiff. I thought it’s real and the thing settled la but no it’s not.
Omg I feel so bad la. I don’t know whether she reaches Ipoh d anot. My hp expired d. sorry Tiff.
No, he is not the God of Prosperity of Tua Pek Kong. You know how I met him? I was rushing to school early in the morning and I saw him walking alone wearing 2 hats with the golden long beard. I was thinking deeply whether to stop my bike and take his picture. I scared that I’ll be late for class. At the end I made a turn because I don’t know when I’ll meet him again. I just asked can I take a picture of him in Mandarin. He just nod his head. I took quite a lot pictures of just his face because the lighting was so bad la. He speaks very thick Mandarin. We had some chat. He hesitates to tell me what’s his occupation but he told me he is 63 years old.
A lovely old lady that sell the best drink in Mambang Di Awan. She brought me and my friend around her shop and house, showed me her old photographs, forced me to take home papayas and she has the most amazing toilet bowl in Malaysia.
today will be the 4th day i fall sick. The red dots are still there. I woke up at 6am this morning because i couldn't sleep. It has been happening for the past 3days. I took medicine last night and i thought i'll sleep till the next morning but i kept waking up in the middle of the night.
and last night, it rained at 4am ++. i was so happy because finally i can really sleep tightly. But manatau the red dots started to react. my whole body started to feel itchy. When i 'garu' it's pain. my skin is like so sensitive right now. Every parts of my skin is itchy. very itchy. it's so irritating. Im still having bad flu fever.
the red dots are getting more and more. another thing that worries me is that suddenly a few swoolen balls pooped up at the back of my head, below my jaw n on my neck.
i didn't tell my parents anything yet. I don't know how. I don't want them to be worried.
what's going on la.. zzz.. i'll do another blood test tomorrow. please be ok before my public speaking competition next wedenesday. i don't want to pull out from the competition because of this. im waiting for it so badly. i wana win something. how am i going to speak my my cacat-ed voice. i dun wana sniff and cough when im giving my speech. i have not much time left.
God, my first wish of the year is please make me ok before the public speaking competition so that i can give all my best. I'll pray hard..
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Time : 7.30 am
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Closing Date : 25th May 2011
Entry Form : http:// www.komtartowerrun.com.my
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exam is around the corner
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failing sooon~!
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looking forward~!
October 22nd.
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Islam in Malaysia: Perceptions & Facts
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Translator: U-En Ng (from the book *Mengemudi Bahtera Perubahan Mind*a)
ISBN: 9789834484576
Pages: 343
Printer: Vinlin
My Portfolio..
Yoo...I'm back again..Assignments and presentations finished..Final is
coming soon...oh my god...Anyway, wanna share some designs...Some parts of
my assign...
Utusan dah start dah….
UMNO telah mula siar gambar saya. Lazimnya mereka takkan memberi apa-apa
laporan tentang diri saya, apatah lagi nak masuk gambar. Bila mereka
berbuat dem...
Hello everyone! hahaha. yes i know you miss Sperm Boy so much that you jerk
off just to see him now and then. now now girls, hold on to your h...
The Synopsis
*Ombak Naik, Tuah Menurun*
*Choreographer: Aida Redza*
Music Composer: Tan Sooi Beng
Supported by: Ho Sheau Fung as Video Designer...
Message from Lim Guan Eng
Sdr Dr Chen Man Hin is considered the grand old man of DAP. As one of its
founder members he is also the political trailblazer in...